Press Release

The Colorado Resiliency Office, within the Department of Local Affairs, Announces Its 3rd Annual Resiliency Summit and the Release of the 2023 Annual Progress Report

The Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), through the Colorado Resiliency Office (CRO), will virtually hold its annual summit on Thursday, January 25, from 1:00 3:30 p.m. MST. Attendees will learn about how far the State has come and what levers of change are needed to move us forward into the future toward a resilient Colorado. Today, ahead of the Summit, the 2023 Annual Progress Report on the Colorado Resiliency Framework Implementation has been released.

The Department of Local Affairs Seeks Applicants for the Transformational Housing Loan Fund

The Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), through its Division of Housing (DOH), Office of Housing Finance and Sustainability (OHFS) is requesting applications for grants or loans to affordable housing investment funds to enable DOH to continue their mission of the creation or preservation of housing affordable to Extremely Low Income to Middle Income individuals and families throughout Colorado.