Recently, the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), through the Division of Housing's State Housing Board, voted on, approved, and awarded $12,080,000 for 352 additional affordable housing units across the state.
The Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) is alerting the public about a text fraud scheme related to the State’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).
In the final round of the Transformational Homelessness Response (THR) Grant Program, the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), through the Division of Housing (DOH), recently awarded $39,376,809 in funding across multiple counties in Colorado. Additionally, five Transformational Affordable Housing (Homeownership and Workforce) Housing Grant Program (TAHG) applicants received operational funds through THR — totaling $8,225,249.
After four rounds of awards, 34 applicants have been granted more than $118M, in 30 counties, providing or preserving an estimated 2867 affordable housing units across Colorado.
The Division of Local Government has awarded a total of $36,082,319 for Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund (EIAF) grants for the recent 23-07 Tier I, Tier II, Broadband, and Renewable Energy projects.
Recently, the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), through the Division of Housing's State Housing Board, voted on, approved, and awarded $6,650,000 for 126 additional affordable housing units across the state.
The Department of Local Affairs has launched the Wind and Wildfire Home Protection Mitigation Program as an extension of the State of Colorado Housing Recovery Program.
This program is eligible for owners of a primary residence (at the time of the disaster and application) impacted by a state declared disaster since 2018, including the Marshall Fire and Straight Line Wind event.
The Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), through the Division of Housing's State Housing Board, voted on, approved, and awarded $15,174,773 for 384 additional affordable housing units and $3,466,611 in down payment assistance across the state.