Press Release

The Department of Local Affairs Celebrates National Homeownership Month

In celebration of National Homeownership Month, the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) highlights the paramount significance of expanding homeownership opportunities for Coloradans. Homeownership not only plays a pivotal role in fostering stable communities but also serves as a cornerstone of economic growth and personal financial security.

El Departamento de Asuntos Locales, a través de la Red Regional de Socios de Acceso, busca solicitantes para el Programa de Subvenciones de Infraestructura sin fines de lucro

El Departamento de Asuntos Locales (DOLA), a través de la Red de Socios de Acceso Regional, busca pequeños solicitantes sin ánimo de lucro, con presupuestos anuales de entre 150.000 y 2.000.000 de dólares, que se hayan visto afectados por las secuelas en infraestructuras de COVID-19. Aunque la subvención no se destina a la programación, abre las puertas a otras oportunidades como la planificación estratégica, el desarrollo profesional de la junta directiva y el personal, la tecnología, etc. La solicitud se abrirá el 5 de julio de 2023 y se cerrará el 31 de agosto de 2023.

The Department of Local Affairs, Through the Regional Access Partners Network, Seeks Applicants for the Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program

The Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), through the Regional Access Partners Network, seeks small nonprofit applicants, with annual budgets between $150,000 and $2,000,000, that have been affected by the infrastructure aftermath of COVID-19. While the grant is not for programming, it does open doors for other opportunities such as strategic planning, professional development for board and staff, technology, etc. The application will open on July 5, 2023 and close on August 31, 2023.