Proposition 123 states that in order to remain eligible for Proposition 123 funds in the next 3-year cycle (2027-2029), local governments must demonstrate they have implemented an expedited review process for housing projects where at least half of the units are affordable. While the law states that expedited review must take place within 90 calendar days of a complete application submission, there are many additional details to consider. DOLA’s guidance does not prescribe an approach but instead provides a list of strategies and approaches. Each community will need to determine which strategies are most effective for their local processes. Grant funding is available to support local governments with the implementation process.
The expedited review requirements apply specifically to housing projects where affordable housing constitutes 50% or more of the units. Developers have the option to opt-out of the expedited review process if they choose.
Implementation Strategies
DOLA provides various strategies and examples to assist local governments in creating an expedited review process tailored to their unique local context. The goal is to streamline the development review process, saving time and resources and creating an efficient review process for affordable housing developers. For further information, refer to the guidance on expedited review (fast track) requirements.
Demonstrating Compliance with Expedited Review Requirements
To demonstrate compliance, jurisdictions must provide documentation that establishes an expedited review process through an ordinance, resolution, or land use code amendment.
Jurisdictions are encouraged to reach out to the Division of Local Government for a courtesy review of their process.