- Affordable Housing Support Fund Annual Report Fiscal Year 2023-24
- Affordable Housing Financing Fund Annual Report Fiscal Year 2023-24 (OEDIT and CHFA)
Funding Distribution Dashboard
Made in conjunction with the State Demography Office, the Proposition 123 funding distribution map displays Proposition 123 (the State Affordable Housing Fund) awards to counties and municipalities throughout Colorado. The initial screen lets you see a chart and table showing the awards in the selected county by the selected date. These can be changed with options in the top right corner.
The Awards Maps tab at the bottom switches the view to a series of maps. These maps show amounts awarded per county and per person in each county, a map of jurisdiction that are eligible for Proposition 123 funding opportunities, and maps of the issued awards for each funding program. To switch between maps, either click on the desired tab at the bottom or on the arrows in the bottom left or bottom right, depending upon your screen size.
This award data contains both single and multi-jurisdictional awards:
- For multi-jurisdictional awards, award dollars are split among all jurisdictions included in that award by population.
- For municipalities that exist in multiple counties, the awarded dollars for that municipality are split between each part of the municipality in each county by population, unless there is a specific location for the project. For those awards with an identified address or specific location of the project, the award is allocated to the county associated with that specified location.
- Statewide awards are not split or displayed in the award dollars per county and award dollar per capita maps since the actual project locations are not yet determined.
These maps are estimates of funding distribution at award date.
All data shown in this map is current through December 2024, and updates to this map will occur quarterly (next: March 28, 2025). The map does not yet contain all data for Persons Experiencing Homelessness (PEH) programs. These awards will be added in the March 2025 update.
Publicly available data for the awards shown in this map are available in spreadsheet form.
For questions regarding the funding distribution maps, please contact