Assessment Appeals Processes

Petition Filing

Petitions filed after October 7, 2020 must be filed via the case management system.

BAA Staff Reviews Petition

The Board of Assessment Appeals reviews petitions for legal sufficiency. The hearing date is usually set when the petition is accepted.

Hearing Management

Board members are assigned, hearing duration set, priority cases identified, and decisions made on abating and consolidating cases.

Prehearing Filings

The Board of Assessment Appeals acts on prehearing motions, stipulations, and withdrawals.

Rule 11

Parties exchange evidence and witness lists per BAA Rule 11.


Discovery may take place between the parties per BAA rules. BAA may consider motions to compel.

Prehearing Conference

Cases set for more than one day of hearing will be set for prehearing conference.

Prehearing Stipulations

Parties file stipulations to exhibit admission, expert witness testimony, facts, etc.

BAA Hearing

Hearings are held via Zoom videoconferencing. Each side is allocated equal time. One board member will chair the hearing. The Rules of Evidence will apply to the extent practicable.

Written Decision

BAA will issue a final agency order via email or case management system.

Post-Order Motions

BAA accepts motions for post-order relief within 14 days of decision.

Court of Appeals

Petitioner or Respondent may petition the Court of Appeals for judicial review. BAA may hold remand hearing.

Colorado Supreme Court

Petitioner or Respondent may petition the Supreme Court for certiorari. BAA may hold remand hearing.

Final Value

Following exhaustion of appeals, the property's taxable value is final.

Notice of Valuation

Assessor mails Notices of Valuation by May 1.

Taxpayer Protest

Taxpayer valuation and classification protests due by June 1. Assessor hears protests May 2 through June 1.

Notice of Determination

Assessor mails Notices of Determination by June 30 (August 15 if alternative process).

CBOE Appeal

Due July 15 (September 15 if alternative process).

CBOE Hearings

Begin July 1 (by September 1 if alternative process).

CBOE Decision

Rendered by August 5 (November 1 if alternative process), mailed within 5 business days.

Taxpayer Appeal Options

Taxpayer may appeal CBOE decision to BAA, district court, or binding arbitration.

BAA Appeal

Petitions appealing CBOE decision are due 30 days after postmark date of CBOE decision.

BAA Reviews Petition

Baa Sets Hearing

Rule 11

Parties exchange exhibits and witness lists by 28 days before hearing, reply documentation by 21 days before hearing.

BAA Hearing

Parties appear at hearing. BAA will assign Board Members and hearing duration.

BAA Decision

BAA issues written decision resolving appeal.

Parties May Appeal to Court of Appeals

Court of Appeals Decision

Parties May Appeal to Colorado Supreme Court

Colorado Supreme Court

Supreme Court will decide whether to review the Court of Appeals' decision, and reverse, affirm, and/or remand.

Final Value

Following exhaustion of appeals, the property's taxable value is final.

Notice of Valuation

Assessor mails Notices of Valuation by May 1.

Taxpayer Does Not Protest

This process can be pursued if a valuation or classification protest was not filed and a Notice of Determination not issued for the same tax year.

Abatement and Refund

Must be postmarked by January 1 within two years following the year in which taxes were levied.

Assessor Recommends Approval or Denial

BOCC Hearing

BOCC Decision

Petition will be approved or denied in whole or in part.

Taxpayer Appeal Options

Taxpayer may appeal BOCC decision to BAA, district court, or binding arbitration.

BAA Appeal

Petitions appealing BOCC decision are due 30 days after postmark date of BOCC decision.

BAA Reviews Petition

BAA Sets Hearing

Rule 11

Parties exchange exhibits and witness lists by 28 days before hearing, reply documentation by 21 days before hearing.

BAA Hearing

Parties appear at hearing. BAA will assign Board Members and hearing duration.

BAA Decision

BAA issues written decision resolving appeal.

Parties May Appeal to Court of Appeals

Court of Appeals Decision

Parties May Appeal to Colorado Supreme Court

Colorado Supreme Court

Supreme Court will decide whether to review the Court of Appeals' decision, and reverse, affirm, and/or remand.

Final Value

Following exhaustion of appeals, the property's taxable value is final.

Notice of Valuation

Assessor mails Notices of Valuation by June 15.

Taxpayer Protest

Taxpayer protests due by June 30. Assessor hears protests June 15 through July 5.

Notice of Determination

Assessor mails Notices of Determination by July 10 (August 15 if alternative process).

CBOE Appeal

Due July 20 (September 15 if alternative process).

CBOE Hearings

Begin July 1 (by September 1 if alternative process).

CBOE Decision

Rendered by August 5 (November 1 if alternative process), mailed within 5 business days.

Taxpayer Appeal Options

Taxpayer may appeal CBOE decision to BAA, district court, or binding arbitration.

BAA Appeal

Petitions appealing CBOE decision are due 30 days after postmark date of CBOE decision.

BAA Reviews Petition

BAA Sets Hearing

Rule 11

Parties exchange exhibits and witness lists by 28 days before hearing, reply documentation by 21 days before hearing.

BAA Hearing

Parties appear at hearing. BAA will assign Board Members and hearing duration.

BAA Decision

BAA issues written decision resolving appeal.

Parties May Appeal to Court of Appeals

Court of Appeals Decision

Parties May Appeal to Colorado Supreme Court

Colorado Supreme Court

Supreme Court will decide whether to review the Court of Appeals' decision, and reverse, affirm, and/or remand.

Final Value

Following exhaustion of appeals, the property's taxable value is final.


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