The challenges section is organized by topic and each topic is related to a particular phase of the submittal, review, and approval process. Each topic further identifies a list of challenges and a list of strategies to consider to reduce the overall review timeline.
This section highlights examples of expedited review strategies that Colorado communities have implemented. The intent of this section is to illustrate different types of approaches that may be effective in different types of communities (i.e. urban vs. rural). It is important to note that the examples highlighted below do not necessarily meet the expedited review requirements of Prop 123, as many were adopted prior to Prop. 123. DOLA also recognizes some communities may need to implement a combination of strategies in order to meet the new requirements.
Topic #1: Quality of Submission Materials
Applications are incomplete and are not accepted as complete, delaying the starting point of the review timeline.
Applications do not include accurate or adequate information to allow decision makers to make decisions on an application.
Staff members responsible for reviewing or accepting applications as complete are not experienced in the type of application(s) being requested or applied for.
The required information to be submitted is either ambiguous or unnecessary.
- Application Checklists & Guides
- Code Assessment or Update
- Capacity Grant
- Contracted Planning Support
- Dedicated Staff Planner/Liaison
- Pre-Application Meetings
- Process Improvement
Community Examples for Topic #1: Quality of Submission Materials
- Small/Rural
- Strategies: Pre-App, Liaison during entitlements and permitting (Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority)
- References:
- The housing authority, working with City and County staff, provides support and process guidance to developers before and during the entitlement process. Tools and strategies are also made available on their website.
- Urban
- Strategies: Pre-App (staff level), Online Guides and Application Materials
- Reference: Broomfield Planning Department’s Development Applications and Forms
- Broomfield provides an extensive amount of resources online, including applications, checklists, submittal guidance, and overall process workflow details. Additionally, the City and County offer a pre-application meeting with key staff for a developer to review their project and discuss requirements, process, and any “red flags” that staff may see.
- Urban
- Strategies: Pre-App Meeting, Liaison during entitlements and permitting (Affordable Housing Review Team)
- Reference: Denver’s Affordable Housing Review Team
- Denver has a dedicated Affordable Housing Review Team to prioritize and reduce the overall review time frame for affordable housing projects. The team is composed of key staff from multiple city departments.
- Urban
- Strategies: Online Guides and Application Materials, Expedited Process (2 week staff reviews)
- Reference: Fort Collins Development Review Guide
- The City of Fort Collins has a variety of online resources outlining application requirements, process flow charts, and policies on affordable housing project reviews.
- Small/Urban
- Strategies: Pre-App., Online Guides and Application Materials
- Reference: Littleton’s Land Planning and Entitlement Site
- Littleton’s website includes online resources and materials to help a developer clearly understand submittal requirements, certification blocks and forms, and overall workflows. Additionally, the City offers a pre-application meeting that is required for most application types as a benefit to developers.
- Urban
- Strategies: Pre-App, Online Guides and Application Materials
- Reference: Northglenn’s Land Use Applications
- Similar to other communities listed here, Northglenn encourages and in some situations, requires a pre-application meeting to ensure developers understand the process and what is required for a complete application. Online application and guidance materials are provided through the City’s website.
- Small/Rural
- Strategies: Pre–App / Pre-Submittal Process, Online Guides and Application Materials, Staff Liaison, Expedited Process (8-10 week application to decision target timeline)
- Reference: Steamboat Springs Planning Application Resource Center
- Steamboat Springs has an entire webpage dedicated to application resources with policy guidance, application materials, submittal guidance, and process workflows.
- Small
- Strategies: Pre-App/Concept Review (staff level), Online Guides and Application Materials
- Reference: Windsor Planning Applications, Forms, and Handouts
- Windsor’s website includes a variety of tools and resources to help guide a developer in submitting a complete application including checklists, a concept review meeting process, applications, and submittal requirements. The staff level concept review process is similar to a pre-application process and allows a developer to have their concept reviewed and discussed by the Town’s development review committee.
Topic #2: Review Timelines
External referral agencies do not comply with required review timelines.
Coordination with various internal Departments extends the review period.
The lack of experience in current staff is extending review timelines and generating irrelevant review comments.
Applications require multiple reviews before they are approved, extending the overall process.
A local government’s public meeting schedule extends the overall approval process.
There isn’t political or staff support for affordable housing projects.
Agency review comments are not clear enough to allow applicants to adequately address within the resubmitted materials.
- Affordable Housing Plan
- Affordable Housing Review Process
- Application Checklists & Guides
- Contracted Planning Support
- Dedicated Staff Planner/Liaison
- Development Review Committee (DRC)
- Intergovernmental Agreement
- Level of Approval
- Planning Capacity Grant
- Post-Review Meeting
- Pre-Application Meeting
- Prioritize Affordable Housing Projects
- Public Meeting Schedule
- Topical Training
Community Examples for Topic #2: Review Timelines
- Urban
- Strategies: Staff Liaison/Rapid Response Team, Expedited Process
- References:
- The City has implemented a Rapid Response Team with the goal of expediting the review process for qualifying project types, including affordable housing projects.
- Urban
- Strategies: Expedited Process (administrative review, 7-10 week average review time frame)
- Reference: Commerce City Expedited Priority Case Review Policy
- The City has developed administrative and expedited reviews for certain community benefit projects including affordable housing projects that meet certain affordability thresholds defined within the policy document. The City has a seven week, two round review timeframe that includes four weeks for round one and three weeks for round two with the intent of reaching the decision making step after round two.
- Urban
- Strategies: Online Guides and Application Materials, Expedited Process (2 week staff reviews)
- Reference: Fort Collins Development Review Guide
- The City’s expedited process includes prioritization by staff to complete eligible affordable housing project reviews within two weeks for each submittal/resubmittal.
- Small/Rural
- Strategies: Expedited Process (housing types as use by right in residential zone districts)
- Reference: Town of Hugo
- The Town amended their local regulations in 2023 to allow a variety of residential housing types through administrative review in the residential zone districts. This eliminated the need for special review of certain housing types that meet the updated dimensional criteria to allow for a variety of housing options within the town.
- Small/Rural
- Strategies: Inclusionary Zoning, Expedited Process (administrative review in certain zone districts)
- Reference: Salida Zoning and Development
- Salida’s expedited review process incorporates administrative review in certain zone districts for affordable housing projects and certain housing types. Shifting to administrative review trimmed weeks from the overall process.
- Small/Rural
- Strategies: Pre–App / Pre-Submittal Process, Online Guides and Application Materials, Staff Liaison, Expedited Process (8-10 week application to decision target timeline)
- Reference: Steamboat Springs Planning Application Resource Center
- Steamboat continues to evaluate and update their internal processes to further expedite the process for affordable housing projects. The City has effectively reduced the average number of weeks for review and is actively working to further reduce, the target timeline for an application to reach the decision stage is 8-10 weeks or 56-70 calendar days.
Topic #3: Staff Capacity
The number of land use applications have increased beyond what the current staff can review within the required period of time.
The department is understaffed either because it’s a small department with limited funding for staff or staff turnover and vacancies have impacted staff’s ability to review applications in a timely fashion.
The current staff is lacking in the experience with the types of applications being submitted.
- Application Checklists & Guides
- Assessment or Update
- Contracted Planning Support
- Dedicated Staff Planner/Liaison
- Planning Capacity Grant
- Topical Training
Community Examples for Topic #3: Staff Capacity
- Small/Rural
- Strategies: Pre-App, Liaison during entitlements and permitting (Aspen Pitkin County Housing Authority)
- References:
- The housing authority, working with City and County staff, provides support and process guidance to developers before and during the entitlement process. Tools and strategies are also made available on their website.
- Urban
- Strategies: Staff Liaison/Rapid Response Team, Expedited Process
- References:
- The City’s Rapid Response Team serves as technical experts and liaisons for affordable housing projects that align with community goals. These experts provide guidance throughout the process to developers and other staff within the city.
- Urban
- Strategies: Pre-App Meeting, Liaison during entitlements and permitting (Affordable Housing Review Team)
- Reference: Denver’s Affordable Housing Review Team
- The City of Denver’s dedicated staff liaison through the Affordable Housing Review Team provides technical expertise and familiarity with the various nuances of affordable housing projects within the city. The liaison helps guide the developer’s application through the process.
- Urban and Small/Rural
- Strategies: Contract Planning Support
- To account for staffing shortages or the need for technical assistance, many communities throughout the state utilize on-call contract staff. Contract staff provide unique insights and targeted support depending on the contract structure and need of the community.
- Small/Rural
- Strategies: Pre–App / Pre-Submittal Process, Online Guides and Application Materials, Staff Liaison, Expedited Process (8-10 week application to decision target timeline)
- Reference: Steamboat Springs Planning Application Resource Center
- The City’s staff liaison structure supports and helps to expedite the overall review process for affordable housing projects. The liaison serves as a point of contact for the developer as their application works its way through the process.
This is the end of the guidance. Return to the Introduction.