Colorado Department of Local Affairs Supplies $168M in Rental Assistance, $79.5M for Affordable Housing

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Media Contact: Brett McPherson | 303-656-7464

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA)  Division of Housing (DOH) as of September has paid over $168M in pandemic-related  emergency rental assistance, and this summer issued a $50M notice of funding available for the acquisition of land and buildings for affordable housing in addition to approving $29.5M in developments and rehabilitation. 

“Our mission to keep Coloradans safely and stably housed through the pandemic is an  enormous undertaking, and we strive to become more efficient in our processes every single  day.” said Housing Director Alison George. “However, our efforts don’t slow down when  COVID does. There are still plenty of people in need and there are resources that can help.” 

DOH has significantly increased the speed of emergency rental assistance payments by using to pay out around $6M per week, which dwarfs payments previously made for entire  months. The division has also administered substantial aid through its partnerships with  localities, completing all disbursement of rental assistance funds for Aurora, and more than  two-thirds for Colorado Springs. 

July through September, the Colorado State Housing Board (SHB) in DOH approved $29.5M in  various development and rehabilitation projects for affordable housing for Coloradans with  incomes between 30 and 80 percent of their area median incomes (AMI) across the state. 

The DOH Office of Housing Finance and Sustainability (OHFS) and Office of Homeless  Initiatives (OHI) are requesting applications totaling up to $50M in funding for the acquisition  of land or use of existing properties suitable for providing non-congregate shelters, supportive  housing and affordable housing. Some of the funds are available for tenancy support services  or to shelter households that are at risk of, or who may already be experiencing  homelessness. 

“The Division of Housing has worked hard to build systems and procedures to assist those who  are at risk for housing instability,” George added. “With this wide variety of resources, we  hope to give every Coloradan the chance to stay housed through the pandemic and beyond.” 

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) Division of Housing (DOH) partners with  local communities to create housing opportunities for Coloradans who face the greatest  challenges to accessing affordable, safe and secure homes.

Division of Housing

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