Information Sessions for Nonprofits Interested in Participating in the Colorado Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit

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A homeless contribution income tax credit equals 25% (for non-rural projects) or 30% (for rural projects) of a taxpayer’s donation of $100 or more, potentially motivating taxpayers to contribute to your organization! 

Join the virtual information sessions to learn the details on the following:

  • The Homeless Contribution Tax Credit Program’s benefits and requirements for nonprofit participants.
  • Participation eligibility parameters.
  • Directions on submitting the online eligibility form. 

Information Sessions Details

Upcoming Webinar

  • Wednesday, October 4, 2023
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Please note these sessions will be recorded for later access on the Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit website.

Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit Project Categories

Eligible projects, which can be either operational services or a capital campaign, must have a primary focus on assisting individuals or families experiencing homelessness or, in the case of prevention, at imminent risk of homelessness. 

Operational Services 

  • Outreach efforts
  • Safe emergency, temporary, or transitional shelters
  • Prevention services that target individuals or families facing imminent risk of homelessness
  • Supportive housing
  • Employment outcome services
  • Case management
  • Domestic violence shelters & services
  • Other services identified as emerging, promising, and providing best practices

Capital Campaign

  • Supportive housing
  • Community overnight shelters, day shelters, or emergency shelters
  • Facilities used to provide housing or services to individuals or families experiencing homelessness, including facilities that are necessary to perform qualifying services

Eligibility Application Submissions

Interested organizations should submit eligibility applications by October 15, 2023. If approved, the nonprofit can begin issuing tax credits for qualifying donations in tax year 2024. 

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